64 | Changing How You Look vs Changing How You Feel
There is nothing (NOTH. ING.) wrong with changing how your body looks. But be honest with me— if I really pressed you to tell me WHY you are dead-set on changing how you look, would the answer be it’s because deep down, you want to change how you FEEL?
There is nothing (NOTH. ING.) wrong with changing how your body looks. But be honest with me— if I really pressed you to tell me WHY you are dead-set on changing how you look, would the answer be it’s because deep down, you want to change how you FEEL?
If you are on what feels like a lifelong quest in search of confidence, self-love, and inner peace with your body or yourself at large, but haven’t been able to actually get there yet, with those feelings just always seeming just a touch beyond your reach, this episode is for you.
We are discussing how changing your body has become messily intertwined with the expectation that it will result in changing how you FEEL about your body. Meaning: we believe the external appearance has to change first in order for our internal mindset to change.
This episode explains why that is 100% backwards, and how we can actually create what we REALLY want most for ourselves, right now.
WORK WITH ME | Apply for private coaching
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60 | “Later”: How Waiting is Holding You Back
LATER is where more time, less worries, and endless possibility permanently lives. Have you ever stopped to consider the sheer amount of life you are saving for “later”? And have you ever noticed how later never really seems to come?
Doesn’t “later” always seem to filled with promise? It’s when we’ll start that business or wear that bathing suit or get our act together somewhere in life.
LATER is where more time, less worries, and endless possibility permanently lives.
Have you ever stopped to consider the sheer amount of life you are saving for “later”? And have you ever noticed how later never really seems to come?
In today’s show, we are serving tough love and getting real around the concept of LATER. How it’s holding you back, what it really means, and how to start living that distant future version of your life, NOW.
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55 | What To Do When Motivation Ghosts You
What do you do when motivation disappears? How do you get it back? Do you need to get it back? How do get it to appear when you need it? What’s the best way to manage its flakiness?
Ah, the great elusive ‘motivation’. One day it’s there, one day it’s gone, sometimes it’s around for months, and sometimes it vanishes for huge stretches with zero explanation.
What do you do when motivation disappears? How do you get it back? Do you need to get it back? How do get it to appear when you need it? What’s the best way to manage its flakiness?
Today I’m sharing 5 strategies for navigating those moments when motivation is MIA. Maybe it’s just a random day, or maybe you’ve been without it for months… either way, these strategies work in any combination and for anything that you need to stay “motivated” to work towards.
Mentioned in this episode:
Rest: Is it Laziness or Listening to Your Body? | Blog Post
38 | Befriend Your Body + Move Confidently with Alyssa Chang
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53 | Take the Stairs: The Secret to Success
If you’re fired up for creating a change of ANY kind in your life, this episode is a must listen.
New year new you?
If you’re fired up for creating a change of ANY kind in your life, this episode is a must listen.
I’m sharing the secret sauce to not only achieving your goals, but achieving them with ease, and making those new habits or behaviors real, lasting, and consistent.
You may have heard the expression “there’s no elevator to success” and yet we continually fall into the same mistakes over and over again when we’re trying to accomplish something. This episode teaches you how to break that cycle for good, and get the results you’ve been hoping for.
Mentioned in this episode:
THE NUTRITION LAB | Six weeks to a new relationship to food
GET IN TOUCH | Got questions on how this system would work for you? Let’s chat!
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50 | How to Become Unf*ckwithable in 5 Easy Steps
Listen in to learn the 5 things that can help you to reclaim your power, create a life you love, stand firmly in who you are, and make you un-fuck-with-able.
In our 50th episode, I’m sharing the essence of my mission with She Thrives. These 5 things are what I believe to be the ultimate tools of self empowerment for anyone, and the 5 things that drive most of the work I do here.
Listen in to learn the 5 things that can help you to reclaim your power, create a life you love, stand firmly in who you are, and make you un-fuck-with-able.
Mentioned in this episode:
THE BLOG POST | Save, share, and read this post on the blog
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47 | Trusting Your Gut: How to Strengthen Your Intuition Muscle
From the tiny, daily decisions, to the big, life changing ones, this episode is all about how to listen to your gut, live more intuitively, and trust your own instincts.
Ever know what it’s like to wake up from an Oreo and pizza induced coma and think “why did I do that? I didn’t even want any of it!”. Or suddenly realizing that you’re somehow in a job, relationship, or other life path that you didn’t ever really choose?
How did you get here? Chances are, you were ignoring your intuition.
Listening to our intuition is something most of us hardly do, because we’ve ben conditioned to trust everyone else’s opinion and advice over our own instincts. But this leads us down a path of total misalignment with ourselves, because we aren’t making the choices that we REALLY want.
So how do we start to listen for (and honor) what we really want? It’s a practice that we must intentionally work on.
From the tiny, daily decisions, to the big, life changing ones, this episode is all about how to listen to your gut, live more intuitively, and trust your own instincts.
Mentioned in this episode:
THE CONFIDENCE LAB | Your step by step guide to becoming unfuckwithable
UNFCKWITHABLE SHIRT | It’s back! Grab yours before they’re gone!
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44 | The Three Reasons You’re Not Hitting Your Goals
These 3 things are sneaky, subtle, and will undermine even the most well intentioned, enthusiastic and eager attempts to get after what you want for yourself.
In today’s show I’m breaking down 3 of the BIGGEST reasons people end up never hitting their goals.
These 3 things are sneaky, subtle, and will undermine even the most well intentioned, enthusiastic and eager attempts to get after what you want for yourself.
To achieve what you want in life, all 3 of these things must be considered and addressed. They are the difference between having an idea or a goal, and actually making it HAPPEN.
If you’re always setting goals or dreaming of bigger and better things, but really struggle to actually make them a reality, this episode is for you!
Mentioned in this episode:
PRIVATE COACHING IS HERE! Limited spots available, come apply + see if it’s right for you!
THE CONFIDENCE LAB | Your step by step plan to becoming Unfuckwithable
39 | The Problem with “Progress” That No One is Talking About
The dark side to the "better than yesterday" approach to fitness, health, and life.
For so many of us, "progress" elicits a vision of a linear journey. Like if you just keep showing up, putting in the work, and doing what you're supposed to, you'll arrive at your destination.
We get told to stop competing with others and only compete with ourself, to look at how far we've come, and let that be our guiding light on Progress Road.
We are not only made to believe that progress is equivalent to being better today than we were yesterday, but that real progress is measurable, visible, and can be displayed in a side by side photo on Instagram.
And while I’m always here for growth and improvement of any kind, there is a dark side to this obsession with “progress”, and I’m breaking it down in today’s show.
If you feel like your health or wellness journey has taken a backslide, this episode is a must listen.
Read, share or Pin the blog post version of this episode here.
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38 | Befriend Your Body + Move Confidently with Alyssa Chang
I’m thrilled to share this interview with my friend, @coachalyssachang, where we are talking about all sorts of amazing things regarding fitness, body image, nutrition, confidence, self compassion, and self care.
I’m thrilled to share this interview with my friend, @coachalyssachang, where we are talking about all sorts of amazing things regarding fitness, body image, nutrition, confidence, self compassion, and self care.
Alyssa has a B.S. in Kinesiology and is a Z-Health and Precision Nutrition Coach, and uses her online business to help people get smart about movement, and feel good in their skin from the inside out. Her motto is, “befriend your body and move confidently in your life”, and she embodies that with her focus on self care, self love, and living a happy life.
Visit Alyssa’s BLOG
Follow Alyssa on INSTAGRAM
Check out Alyssa’s SERVICES
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36 | 10 Ways to Feel Instantly Better
Looking for a little pickmeup? Want some easy AF self care ideas? Want to feel more content and less stressed right this very moment? Here are 10 super simple ways to feel happier and more confident right now.
Looking for a little pickmeup? Want some easy AF self care ideas? Want to feel more content and less stressed right this very moment?
This episode has 10 super simple things you can do right this very instant (or at least today, or this week) that can get you feeling more confident, happy, and relaxed immediately.
From quick mindset shifts to tangible activities, this list should be a regular must-do to keep you feelin’ GOOD.
Mentioned in this episode:
BODY IMAGE BOOTCAMP | Free video course
THE CONFIDENCE LAB | A step by step guide to your most empowered self
4 | Self Care Beyond Face Masks: My Top 10 Ways to Self Care
9 | Life Detox: The Clean Outs + Audits Worth Doing
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34 | In Pursuit of a Feeling: What Your Cravings Can Teach You
In this episode were talking about what we can learn by understanding that ever single thing we do is because we want to feel a certain way. (Yup, everything).
In this episode we're talking about what we can learn by understanding that ever single thing we do is because we want to feel a certain way. (Yup, everything).
I just reached my 6 year anniversary of quitting smoking, or 6 years since fully putting my partying and self destructive ways behind me, in pursuit of feeling good and healthy in my body. And believe it or not, these two lifestyles were actually chasing the same goal in many ways.
I’m sharing what we all can learn from understanding our tendencies, listening to what we really want, and using the pursuit of a feeling to actually help us get where we really want to go.
Mentioned in this episode:
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BONUS 2 | Coffee Talk with Kristin Kaschak
My friend Kristin of @thegirlwiththebutter is back for another bonus cawfee tawk episode where we hang out, laugh, recount our amazing recent Tour de Snacks vacation together, and discuss the stuff that’s really grinding our gears these days.
My friend Kristin of @thegirlwiththebutter is back for another bonus cawfee tawk episode where we hang out, laugh, recount our amazing recent Tour de Snacks vacation together, and discuss the stuff that’s really grinding our gears these days.
We chat about:
-How women are not allowed to think they are pretty or cool
-Owning your beauty and body
-Being uncomfortable with other people’s bodies and clothing choices
-The dynamic of working out in a sports bra in the gym
-What's really happening when you’re getting defensive about your life choices
-Keto: so hot right now. But are you doing right?
-Making food choices while on vacation
-Staying motivated in the gym and managing the ebbs and flows
Mentioned in this episode:
She Thrives YouTube (check out the vlog from our trip!)
Is Low Carb Bad For Women's Health?
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33 | Fitness is Not Your Life
The fitness industry will tell you “Gogogogo! Moremoremore! Hustle, push, commit!”. This episode is in defense of slowing down, taking it easy, or (gasp!) taking time away, altogether.
What happens when you lose interest in the gym? When you want to take a week off? Or several weeks? What happens when something you love is no longer top priority for you? What happens when you take a break or take it easy or take it less seriously?
Do you rack yourself with guilt? Quit? Feel like you failed? Or do you accept that these ebbs and flows are completely normal, and that you’ll be ok?
Today’s episode is a reminder that taking it easy in the gym or taking a break from it altogether is not the worst thing you can do, contrary to most of the fitness industry’s advice.
Today’s episode is a reminder that your value is not your body fat %, your Fran time, or your fitness level. Fitness and exercise should enhance your life, not stress you out and bring you guilt or shame.
If you’re struggling with feeling motivated, have slid backwards in your “progress”, or are feeling guilty for wanting to spend time on other things in your life, this episode is for you.
Mentioned in this episode:
BODY IMAGE BOOTCAMP | A free mini video training
24 | In Defense of an Unbalanced Life
29 | How to Make Your Fitness Routine Last
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32 | 4 Lessons I’ve Learned in 4 Years of She Thrives
She Thrives recently turned 4, and I’m sharing the 4 biggest life lessons I’ve learned from doing this gig over the years.
She Thrives started as a paleo + CrossFit blog 4 July’s ago, and my oh my, has it evolved and grown over the years!
In today’s episode I’m sharing the biggest life lessons I’ve learned from doing this gig for 4 years, and you do not need to be an entrepreneur to appreciate this list. Though this might help you in any coaching, teaching, or business venture, I think every one of us can benefit from hearing these 4 big lessons.
This episode is an expansion on an Instagram post I made recently (you’re following me there, right?), and I hope you can connect with and learn from these lessons just as I have.
(Curious on how I started this blog in the first place? Listen to Episode 21 | Listener Q+A: My Story)
Mentioned in this episode:
THE CONFIDENCE LAB | Doors are open NOW, come join us!
She Thrives private Facebook group
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30 | Self-Confidence: The 3 Things Keeping You From Having It Right Now
The 3 big misconceptions about creating and growing self-confidence, and how to get out of your own way to live the life you want, right now.
Self confidence feels like the ultimate gold mine. Don’t we all want to like who we are and how we look, feel brave enough to take risks and follow our dreams, be comfortable being fully ourselves and not caring what anyone has to say about it?
But we all too often feel like there’s something stopping us from feeling confident about ourselves, and it’s usually born out of one (or all!) of these 3 big misconceptions.
Today I’m walking you through these 3 big myths about confidence and showing you how you can start getting our of your own way and feeling confident AF right now.
I’m also sharing a little bit about my new course, The Confidence Lab, and how it can support you through the process of ditching old narratives, embracing who you are, and going after what you want.
Mentioned in this episode:
THE CONFIDENCE LAB | Doors are open NOW, come join us!
BODY IMAGE BOOTCAMP | A free video training
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29 | How to Make a Fitness Routine Last
Struggling to stay motivated? Stop shaming yourself into going to the gym and try these strategies instead.
Exercise doesn’t have to be a drag!
Struggling to stay motivated? Always starting and stopping? Don’t know how to get back into your routine or just stay interested in the one you’ve got?
This episode breaks down my top 6 tips for getting you to establish a sustainable, enjoyable fitness routine that you’ll have no issue keeping up with for the long term.
Stop shaming yourself into going to the gym and try these strategies instead.
Mentioned in this episode:
BODY IMAGE BOOTCAMP: Join my NEW free online mini-training
Join the She Thrives Tribe: Our private (free!) Facebook community
2 | How to Actually Keep Your New Years Resolutions
The Problem with Progress That No One Talks About
The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin
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28 | Beach Season Reminders: A Body Image Pep Talk
This episode is the antidote to the mainstream “health and fitness” magazines, websites, gurus and bloggers who are offering you 382656 ways to freak out and overthink getting into a bathing suit this summer.
Bikini season is here, which means it’s time officially freak the f*ck out about everything, right?!
Um, no.
This episode is the antidote to the mainstream “health and fitness” magazines, websites, gurus and bloggers who are offering you 382656 ways to freak out and overthink getting into a bathing suit this summer.
Based off of this blog post, my hope is that this episode reminds you about what’s really important, what’s really NOT, and why every single one of us deserves the right to stand proudly in our skin, in whatever outfit we want, without any effort or work required, at the beach this summer (and, always).
Mentioned in this episode:
How to Get Beach Ready in 10 Simple Steps
15 | On Judgement: How to Put Down the Gavel
7 | I Gained 15 lbs: What I Learned, What Surprised Me, + What’s Next
In Depth with Elisabeth Akinwale
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26 | 4 Things to Stop Doing Right Now to Live a Happier Life
So often we feel like we have these barriers between us and what we really want, or what we feel like we deserve. Here are 4 things to help you start breaking these down right now.
I’m not one for Do’s and Don’t lists, but I think you’ll see why I feel strongly about these 4 things, and why they’re definitely worth stopping ASAP.
Do you feel like you need validation or permission from people (or a specific person) in order to chase a dream, take time off, or follow your gut?
Do you believe that there’s something you must achieve, be, accomplish or suffer through first, in order to be worthy of what you want?
Are you constantly doing things that you don’t really want to be doing, and you’re not really even sure why?
Do you work hard to get people around you to like you?
So often we feel like we have these barriers between us and what we really want, or what we feel like we deserve. But the truth is, these “barriers” are usually of our own making, and we have the ability break through them at any time. But it requires us stopping some engrained behaviors and taking a critical look at some of our beliefs.
This episode will help you do just that.
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25 | The Business of Fitness: Starting + Growing an Online Biz with Jill Coleman
Looking to start or grow a biz in the health + fitness industry? Jill Coleman of Jill Fit breaks down your FAQs and sets you up for success in this episode.
Starting a business. Finding your voice. Connecting to your audience. Making your platform profitable. Imposter syndrome. “Looking the part”. Taking your vision to the next level. And so much more.
If you are either an entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur, and hoping to either start or GROW your business in the online health + wellness space, this episode is a must listen.
Jill Coleman is the owner of Jill Fit, a resource for women who are looking to find balance with their food, fitness, and life. She also teaches budding business owners how to take their idea and make it a viable and thriving endeavor through her various mentorships, courses, coaching and resources.
In this ep she’s breaking down your biggest FAQs about turning a side hustle into a successful business, specifically in the health industry.
Follow JillFit on the ‘gram for lots of insightful tidbits on fitness, life and business.
Check out all of her programs, courses, and coaching she has available to you on JillFit.com.
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24 | In Defense of an Unbalanced Life: Why Something’s Gotta Give
The pressure to not only do it ALL, but to do it all in beautiful harmony with a smile on our face is real.
Can it be done? Should it be done?
The quest for balance is something I hear about all the time. How can we create our dream business, win that powerlifting meet, have a family, keep our day job, be the fittest chick in the gym, and find time for self care and adventure and down time.. all at once??!
The pressure to not only do it ALL, but to do it all in beautiful harmony with a smile on our face is real.
Can it be done? Should it be done?
Here’s my argument for why living in the unbalance is not only ok, but suggested, for at least some seasons of life.
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