30 | Self-Confidence: The 3 Things Keeping You From Having It Right Now

30 | Self-Confidence: The 3 Things Keeping You From Having It Right Now | SHE THRIVES RADIO

Self confidence feels like the ultimate gold mine. Don’t we all want to like who we are and how we look, feel brave enough to take risks and follow our dreams, be comfortable being fully ourselves and not caring what anyone has to say about it?

But we all too often feel like there’s something stopping us from feeling confident about ourselves, and it’s usually born out of one (or all!) of these 3 big misconceptions. 

Today I’m walking you through these 3 big myths about confidence and showing you how you can start getting our of your own way and feeling confident AF right now.

I’m also sharing a little bit about my new course, The Confidence Lab, and how it can support you through the process of ditching old narratives, embracing who you are, and going after what you want.


Mentioned in this episode:

THE CONFIDENCE LAB  |  Doors are open NOW, come join us!

BODY IMAGE BOOTCAMP  |  A free video training



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