40 | Listener Q+A: “Dear Taylor” Advice Column

Listener Q+A: “Dear Taylor” Advice Column | SHE THRIVES RADIO

You remember the Dear Abby column from way back in the day? Well we’re doing my version of that today on the show.

I’m pulling a few questions from my She Thrives Tribe (our private Facebook group) about body image, confidence, fitness and life, and sharing my advice.

The questions we cover in this episode are:

“How do I keep the drive to always be improving my health while also being confident and happy with where I am right now?”

“I love to workout, I love how it makes me feel, but I have a tendency to become obsessive with it. How can I keep it in perspective and keep myself from turning fitness into an unhealthy habit?”

“I have lost a lot of weight (140 lbs), but now I find myself never satisfied with my body. I thought losing the weight would make me more confident. I’ve lost my passion for the gym, which is very weird, but I just feel lost. How do I gain confidence?”

“How do I go about opening up to people around me about how I view myself and how I could use their support to help me be accountable to myself?”


Mentioned in this episode:

SHE THRIVES TRIBE | Join our private FB group

THE CONFIDENCE LAB | Learn how to become unfuckwithable

39 | The Problem with Progress That No One Talks About 

37 | Overtraining: The Signs, the Myths, + How to Avoid it

34 | In Pursuit of a Feeling: What Your Cravings Can Teach You


Did you enjoy this episode? Be sure to hit SUBSCRIBE + leave A REVIEW on iTunes and tell me why! Thank you for your support!


41 | Health, Hormones + Healing with Jessica Rothley of Wholly Healed


39 | The Problem with “Progress” That No One is Talking About