September Favorites: What I'm Loving Right Now


October is here and I can't even believe it, but as an introvert I'm always down for more cozy evenings snuggled with my pups watching Friends.. and October is the perfect time to do just that. I've rounded up some of the things I've been loving lately. What are YOU loving? Leave me a comment and let me know what I need to try!



When a great program comes along, I gotta share it (and also #supportstrongwomen). If you want to become a beast at pull ups, Pull Up Queen will get you there.

Three different levels of programming, videos, resources and lots more. 

Pull ups here you come!




Whenever I wear these sunnies on Snapchat I get tons of questions about them! 

These oversized aviators and come in tons of colors (of which I have a couple), but my favorites is the black fade color.

Perfect for autumn days and big chunky scarves and PSLs (if that's what you're into).




With the weather getting a little dryer (and the heat starting to come on!), this is one of my very few haircare products that I use (and love).

I spray this all over my damp hair after showering, and then brush it through and air dry. It noticeably makes my hair softer, smoother, more manageable and shinier. It's super lightweight and also smells delicious.

I also spray this on my hair after blowdrying (which I rarely do) as it gives everything a healthy, shiny sheen.

You guys. This was recommended to me by my naturopath to help my severe menstrual cramping, and to be honest, when she prescribed this I didn't have a lot of faith in it's potential effectiveness.

Nothing has ever been more effective at making my cramps go from near-tears can't-leave-the-house I-feel-like-I'm-gonna-vom is-this-actually-normal-tho to, these cramps are sort of annoying.

Consult your physician if this is right for you, but this shit has changed my life. I take one every day and then up my dose during PMS.




If you follow me on the socials you KNOW how obsessed I am with this stuff!

I've already gotten a ton of messages from you guys saying you got it too and LOVE it. It's seriously so good. What do I put it on? Oh just EVERYTHING.

It appears to be a PNW brand, but you can also order online (and honestly the prices are better online anyway somehow?)

Just do it and thank me later, k.

Fall is here! If you don't have a slow cooker (or yours is tiny/old/broken/in need of an upgrade), may I suggest this beauty?

We got an All-Clad slow cooker a couple years ago and LOVE it. It was such an upgrade from what we were using, and I think the best part is the insert can go right onto the stove top for browning.

If you're looking for the easiest way to make healthy AF meals in large quantities, this is it, fam.


That's it! What are you loving these days? Anything out there I need to try? Let me know in the comments!


And remember that you can always check out my all-time favorites (read: ride or die, go-to products) and recommendations from everything from skincare to cookbooks in my shop tab!



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