126 | Fatphobia, Diet Culture Rebellion, + Self Love with Virgie Tovar

126 | Fatphobia, Diet Culture Rebellion, + Self Love with Virgie Tovar

Virgie Tovar has been a leader in the anti-diet culture movement, and it is a total honor to get to bring her on the show today for this in-depth and juicy interview.

We cover her path to self love, rebelling against diet culture, the intersection of fatphobia, racism, capitalism, and the patriarchy, how we can fulfill ourselves in real ways, and so SO much more.

Virgie Tovar is author of The Self-Love Revolution: Radical Body Positivity for Girls of Color (New Harbinger 2020) and You Have the Right to Remain Fat (Feminist Press 2018). She is the host of the podcast, Rebel Eaters Club (Transmitter Media NYC). She is a contributor for Forbes.com where she covers the plus-size market and weight discrimination at work. She has been named one of the 50 most influential feminists by Bitch Magazine, and received Yale's Poynter Fellowship in Journalism. Virgie has been featured by the New York Times, Tech Insider, BBC, MTV, Al Jazeera and NPR. She lives in San Francisco.




New audiobook version of You Have the Right to Remain Fat, just released!

Rebel Eaters Club Podcast


Self Love Revolution


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127 | Minimalism (Part 1): The Pursuit of Less


125 | Fear Based Living: What You’re Actually Afraid of in Your Life