127 | Minimalism (Part 1): The Pursuit of Less

127 | Minimalism Part 1: The Pursuit of Less

We live in a More world, and most of us are deeply engrained in habit loops that keep us on the path of endless acquiring, consumption, and the pursuit of inherited and conditioned beliefs about what ‘success’ is and looks like. 

This episode explores all of the reasons and ways that I personally have been drawn to minimizing everything: from decluttering my home, to reducing waste, to consuming less, to disengaging with the popular ideals of success in our current culture.

It is part one of two. Next up: Digital minimalism, answering your Qs, and my favorite tips and ideas to start some of this in your own life, if inclined.


Summer Favorites: The Eco Edition

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128 | Minimalism Part 2: Digital Consumption + How to Start Pursuing Less


126 | Fatphobia, Diet Culture Rebellion, + Self Love with Virgie Tovar