48 | 3 Tips for Balanced, Fun, Guilt Free Holiday Eating

48 | 3 Tips for Balanced, Fun, Guilt Free Holiday Eating | SHE THRIVES RADIO

This time of year can be a total downward tailspin in terms of food, fitness, and overall feelings of health and vibrancy. All the events, meals, treats, parties, and food decisions that leave us feeling like we got hit by a bus come January.

This is also what leads us to feel like we need to damage control in January and start a cleanse or detox or diet, because we've been basically eating and living with complete abandon for 2 months.

I like to call this domino effect the F*ck It Spiral, because that's usually the headspace we find ourselves in, isn't it? We already messed up and went off-plan and feel like garbage, so may as well go big, cuz, well, fuck it, right?

Well I got news for you: it doesn't have to be like this! Here are 3 things to keep in mind as we wind our way towards 2019 that will keep those feelings of guilt lethargy, and “f*ck it" at bay, and help you enjoy a balanced, happy + fun holiday season.


Mentioned in this episode:

PRIVATE COACHING | You + me = winning

VIP CLUB | Join my free weekly newsletter for exclusive tips to navigate the holiday season

BLOG POST | Read + save the blog version of this episode


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49 | Fearing Fat: How We Internalize + Propagate a Fatphobic Culture


47 | Trusting Your Gut: How to Strengthen Your Intuition Muscle