66 | Moderation: Is it Really Attainable? Or Healthy?

66 | Moderation: Is it Really Attainable? Or Healthy? | SHE THRIVES RADIO

Where are my ALL-OR-NOTHING- people at?

Isn’t "moderation" one of those really fucking annoying words?

 A word that gets thrown around so often and so effortlessly, by people who seem to have all their shit together, as if it's the simplest, easiest solution to all your healthy lifestyle challenges?

"Of course you can eat cake and cookies, just do it 'in moderation'". "Everything in moderation!". Insert eye roll here.

I feel you. I thought I was destined to live in the all or nothing approach to food and health forever, because it’s all I knew, and kind of who I was.

In this episode I’m sharing what is actually happening when we are trying desperately to CONTROL our choices and when we live in a pass/fail mindset with our health choices, and I’m giving you some food for thought on how you can change your story.


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67 | Emotional Fitness: What it is, Why it Matters + How to Create it


BONUS 6 | Introducing… She Thrives Academy!